Tuesday, April 14, 2020

My First Trip Outside of the Building in More than a Week

I just returned from a trip to Walmart. The last time I stepped outside of our apartment building was 8 days ago.

Evie had five prescriptions waiting. I know that there's a way to get Walmart to deliver prescriptions but rules at the home are so restrictive that it would be very difficult...to impossible...for the delivery person to get to us.  The unintentional consequence is that I had to leave the campus.

So, while I was at the store, I bought about $80 in OTC medications and groceries.

We should be set for at least a week.

I'm not complaining about the home's rules. They're working. To my knowledge, there are still no cases of COVID-19 among the residents of the home, at any level of care. (As far as I know, the unit in skilled care being prepared for COVID-19 residents is still not functional.)

Because I left the campus, I was careful when I returned. After unloading the groceries, I immediately took off everything I was wearing and put it in the washing machine and cranked it up. Then, I stepped into the shower.

I have to say that going to Walmart is not the stuff of my dreams. And, these days, I  enjoy it even less. I hate wearing my mask, but and happy to do it. Weaving through the aisles attempting to practice social distancing as effectively as possible doesn't add to my joy, either.

But, there's a certain amount of, well, pride, in the best sense, that I'm a part of this retirement community which is still free of the virus. I'm more diligent than I would be because of it.

Anyway, I'm home.

And, inside the building for at least another week, unless something unforeseen happens.

Next Wednesday, Evie has a procedure at the hospital, so I will be out for that, at least.

But, for now, the quarantine continues.

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