Friday, January 8, 2021

My Silence

For a long time, I have put nothing of consequence on the blog and very little that is mundane and trivial. 

Just a quick note of explanation. 

I'm not at the top of my game spiritually right now. I'm not confessing a mountain of secret sins, but I'm not happy about where I am.

I'm a little too close to being lukewarm as Jesus warned the Laodiceans in Revelation 3.

I noted a while back, in a private email, that, in the past, I have had a radical message and that that message has been supported by a corresponding radical life of grace and mercy. For years, that radical life was, itself, supported by my supermarket job, living as an ambassador of the Kingdom of God. That job provided continuous contact with people in need of acts of God's love. 

Currently, I'm prohibited from working. The result is that opportunities to be a person of radical grace and mercy are not as apparent. 

One of my constant messages to the people of the institutional church is the need to repent of their Talk-ism...a particular sin of the CGGC. 

I still see that need. The thing is, if I called for that form of repentance, I feel a tad hypocritical. 

So, I'm stymied. 

Rest assured my heart breaks over the failure of the institutionalized church to turn from old and fallen ways through the pandemic but I'm having trouble calling for repentance in others when I need to repent myself. 

I must repent.