Monday, April 27, 2020

Mom's Struggles

It is nearly a month ago that the staff of the home where my mother lives began end of life, comfort measures.

At the time, the staff suggested that we request that Hospice evaluate her. Hospice did the evaluation and decided that she was not appropriate for their care.

By that time, mom had already been swabbed for the Coronavirus. The very next day, the test came back positive.

Since then:

So far, mom's done fairly well with the virus, though it will probably catch up to her in time. She has some minor problems in her right lung, and the virus is probably making her Alzheimer's worse. And, the COPD is bad.

At any rate, she's been moved to the skilled care part of the home and, even the skilled care staff have been unable to maintain an acceptable quality of life for her.

Last week, the home suggested that we contact Hospice again. This time, they accepted mom and she'd now under Hospice care.

She forgets that she is too weak to walk and she falls regularly.

The last time the home called to report the fall, we asked a few questions.

The nurse said that mom was very agitated so the nurse told mom to relax. Mom replied, "I don't know how."

Clearly, several things are going on. One of them is the progress of the Alzheimer's.

It's so hard to know she's going through this and we can't be with her. Evie has always been able to calm mom down.

That's an absolute impossibility now.

So sad.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about your Mother, Bill. Hope she makes a full recovery.
