Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Fasting and CGGC Talk-ism

I don't really want to do this one, but...

From the latest eNews:

This next Wednesday, April 22nd, we’re inviting our entire body to join together for a day of prayer, fasting and seeking The Lord as we navigate these difficult times. We need Jesus to open our minds to understand the Word and we need the Spirit to fill us and empower us as we seek to remain faithful in this moment. We need His answers, His wisdom and His direction more than anything else. We need Jesus. Let’s seek Him together with one another.

Here's some prophetic discourse regarding today's day of prayer, fasting and Lord seeking:

First, I predict that some, more than a few, will participate.

Second...based merely on how the day is being (dis)organized, in terms of the CGGC body itself, it will come to nothing, as it stands now.

What's being envisioned is perfectly typical of CGGC Talk-ism in that this day of grand spiritual talk includes no plan for action, on the level of the body.

So, as a body, some will fast and pray. How are we, as a body, to know that the Lord has honored our fasting and answered our prayers?

Lance notes, appropriately, that we need the Lord's answers and wisdom.

As is typical of the CGGC in the past decade plus, here's what's lacking: Doing.

There is no plan action.

If the organizers of the fast truly believe He will speak in our community, this call to fast and pray would include a mechanism that would empower the Lord's message to be shared and spread throughout the CGGC body.

Lance would have added something like, "And, when He speaks to you, please call me, or email me..." Whatever...some kind of plan that would allow us to actually DO something because the Lord has spoken to that our whole body could benefit.

This is what Talk-ism is. It's, in this case, talking about fasting and praying without the slightest suggestion that action might come about as a result of the talk.

This is pure CGGC in the twenty-first century. Glorious talk, absolutely wonderful talk. And, no plan to walk. No intention to walk. No notion of how we would walk.

We don't ever DO anything. And, we're about to do it again.

This is par for the CGGC course.

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