Saturday, March 21, 2020

Now that Evie's Home...

Evie came home from the hospital on Wednesday...amazingly. When she had her surgery, the surgeon projected a release on Saturday. She came home in half the time.

Thanks for the prayers.

I've been through cancer with her and the replacement of her aortic valve in her heart.

Both of those were hard on me as well.

But, in those times, I never really thought that I would lose her.

I thought that this time.

I'm so thankful we moved to the home.

I pulled the cord and a nurse rushed to our apartment.

Before the ambulance arrived, the nurse could not get a blood pressure and Evie's pulse was a weak 44.

When we were in the ER, she was in such pain that I could barely make myself look at her.

That was Friday. Her condition deteriorated, even though the pain medications worked, until surgery became necessary the next day.

She was miserable after that.

I spoke to her Monday evening and she was so weak and dejected that I concluded that she was at the point of giving up to go be with the Lord.

The next morning, she was still suffering.

But, by the grace of God and through the power of your prayers, by Tuesday afternoon, she experienced a nearly full great a recovery that she was released from the hospital the next morning!

The surgery was extensive and she's still recovering from it.

And, she's weak and exhausted. And, she doesn't really know how to rest...

...and, so she is her own biggest enemy.

...but she's doing well...

...miraculously well.

Thank you for your amazingly powerful prayers.

And, please keep praying.

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