Sunday, March 8, 2020

Lance's eNews Question: What is Discipleship?

It's very possible that you haven't read the latest eNews.

In it, Lance recounts his presence in a meeting attended by other "leaders" in which the question was raised, "Can someone define discipleship for me?"

Lance says that he doesn't think there was a consensus in response to the question.

And, Lance goes on to define some things that are not discipleship.

Just a note of historical reference. The 2016 General Conference sessions were devoted to disciple making and four years later we're asking the question as if its never been in our conversation?

But, Lance is asking the question and he's absolutely correct, in the CGGC, we don't have a common understanding of what discipleship is.

He concluded the eNews inviting conversation, asking three questions: "So, what is discipleship? How do you define it? How do you know when you're making disciples?"

Lance is attempting to lead our body into a  important conversation.

Will anyone demonstrate followership?

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