Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Not being Able to Care about the Coronavirus

Starting today, in Pennsylvania, as I understand it, all "nonessential businesses" have been ordered by the governor to close until further notice...or at least strongly recommended to close.

That's what I think, though I'm not certain.

I know that I can still go to work at my job in a grocery store, where we sell toilet paper. 

(By the way, I'm still off of work but will probably return tomorrow, Wednesday. A coworker messaged me yesterday to tell me that we are out of toilet paper. Business is still perpetually as if a blizzard is forecast for tomorrow.)

But, at the moment I don't care about any of that.

This thing with Evie's ruptured colon and its continuing aftermath has consumed me.

It's amazing how perspective works.

Anyway, I'll say that I'm thankful for the readers of this blog. Readership is up since I've been journaling and updating on Evie. Thank you for your concern and for your prayers.

It's still hard to know where this will end. I'm guessing that it may come down to what the blood cultures reveal.

Evie says that her pain is way down. She's off of the opioids and doing okay with Tylenol.

She hopes to expand her activity level today to the extent she does more than get to the biffy. But she is exhausted.

She hates having a colostomy.

One way that I am aware of the coronavirus issue, is that I'm concerned that my job in a grocery store, especially in customer service, will be a problem if Evie gets home. Her immune system will be extremely compromised. And, working with the public as I do, I'll be susceptible to infection.

By the way, the owners of the store have been extremely understanding so far.

On a separate issue. I am so happy that we moved into the home. If Evie needs to be released to a personal care or skilled care facility, that's covered...and in a facility very highly rated by Medicare...and a walk of about 2 minutes from my apartment.

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