Sunday, March 22, 2020

Allergy Season and the Coronavirus Plague

It's been a warm and wet winter here and allergy season is off to an early launch.

For me? Watery eyes. Running nose. Scratchy throat. More fatigue than usual.

It used to be that when I sneezed, people would bless me. Now, they curse me.

I work in a grocery store that has nearly well over 200 employees and, these days especially, lots and lots of customers.

The coronavirus is affecting more people every day.

And, I have symptoms...

...because of the allergies.

I'm torn.

Evie's home from the hospital. But, I think of my job as both a calling and a ministry.

I'm struggling to know what to do about working.

The store's owners and my coworkers have been wonderful to me.

Yet, Evie's immune system is compromised...and, we're geezers to begin with.


Here's what I'm doing. It's imperfect, probably foolish.

When I get out of bed, I take my temperature. If I don't have a fever, I begin a normal day.

The first day I have a fever, I change course.

I wear gloves when I work. I wash my hands when I leave work and when I get home. I change clothes as soon as I walk through the door at home.

Tough times, tough times.

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