Monday, August 3, 2020

Evie Drove for the First Time since March

About a week ago.

Her ruptured colon in March knocked her down hard. The surgery to clean out the infection and to repair the colon was a very debilitating procedure...and, the trauma to her body from the event itself was nearly fatal, as we're really coming to appreciate now.

That left her extremely weak...and with no stamina. Ten minutes of activity in a day would exhaust her so much so that she'd have to rest the entire day.

By the end, before she had her double surgery in June, she could do one light activity a day, such as prepare a meal. We called that her Occupational Therapy.

The double surgery in June was not as traumatic as what happened in March, but she ended up with two incisions one going across her abdomen horizontally, the other vertically. This made it difficult for her to move in any direction.

Still, a group of her friends, who meet once each quarter, met for an evening meal and strongly encouraged Evie to join them.

Evie hadn't driven a car since the day in March when she was ambulanced to the hospital. The drive was about 15 miles one way.

We discussed it at length and decided she could probably handle it.

She did handle it...just barely. The next two days were jammie days for her, but that's not unusual.

She still has virtually no stamina. I think it will be a long haul.

1 comment:

  1. As always in our prayers.🙏
    Love you both, Fran and Alby
