Thursday, July 2, 2020

Repentance...From What?

Here's how Lance ended his last eNews, with emphasis added by me.

"Let’s not just move on without making changes. Let’s not just go back to normal. Let’s respond to what the Lord is doing in our midst right now with repentance and belief."

Lance is referring, of course, to the death of George Floyd and the attention it focused on racial inequality in America. Lance laments the pressure of the news cycle, which is now veering back to reports on COVID-19 and, therefore, away from a spiritually crucial issue.


It is absolutely amazing to me, how much Lance and I believe the same things.

One of my Characteristics of the CGGC Brand is, Fadism, i.e., our body's inability to be purpose driven but, instead, to focus, from moment to moment, on what's trendy.

As far as Lance's own conviction that concern about racial inequality is a good thing, Lance agrees with me...again...that the normal thing will be for us to latch on to whatever is of the moment...or, on the next fad.

Then, as I quoted, at the very end of the article, Lance agrees with me again: The ultimate solution to our problem is repentance.

My question?: Repent of what?!!!!

Lance is not specific. He never is. Honestly, he can't be.

We know that Lance believes in Ephesians 4:13, that "until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God...," Jesus will continue to give some to be apostles, others to be prophets, others to be evangelists and others to be shepherds and teachers. (4:11)

Just where Lance sees himself in this gift bag he's never said, but it's clear that Lance is not a prophet. He doesn't produce the fruit of being a prophet.

One prominent role of the prophet is to deal, on behalf of the people of the Kingdom, with repentance.

Prophets call for repentance, and,
Prophets define the issues of repentance.

Everyone who reads the New Testament knows about the importance of repentance.

But, repent of what! How?

What, specifically, from one moment to the next, should we think about differently?

Lance doesn't say. He, by the grace of God, can't know. The Lord has not wired Lance to know.


In the Kingdom of God, Jesus gives to His disciples, prophets to serve the body, and to be followed by the body, on issues of repentance.

Nowhere, anywhere in Scripture, has repentance been accomplished through the institution, not Old Testament kings, not Old or New Testament priests, not Sadduccees, not scribes, not Pharisees.

In the Kingdom, Jesus gave some to be apostles, others to be prophets, others to be evangelists and others to be shepherds and teachers...

...and it is the prophets to whom He gives the task and privilege of calling for repentance...

...of knowing and defining from what the people of the Kingdom must repent.


Much of the Western organized and institutionalized church is in the midst of generations of a fall from grace characterized by spiritual decay and numerical decline because the Lord of all authority and power and grace and mercy and blessing has stopped blessing.

It's long since time for the church to repent.

By the Lord's design, it's time for prophets to be permitted to shine.

Here are four things the people of the Kingdom must do...soon:

1. Recognize prophets. 
2. Empower prophets to do what the Holy Spirit tells the prophets to do. 
3. Mutually submit to the message of the prophets.
4. Follow the prophets. 

I can see signs of people of the institutional church recognizing prophets but I still don't see fruit of prophets being empowered, submitted to, and followed.

We will go nowhere in the Lord's blessing until those things happen.


Repent of what?!!!!

We must repent about repenting.

We won't "reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ" until we do.

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