Friday, January 17, 2020

2020 Toyota Corolla Hybrid

We're entering our version of geezer mode.

Yesterday, we met with the home's Case Worker who's involved with Independent Living residents. Apparently, they gather information about all of the residents to use later on when those residents require a higher level of care, and this was our interview.

Two interesting notes.

First, Katie, the Social Worker, asked, "Did you come here voluntarily?"

Clearly, some people who moved into our building felt either pressured, or forced, to make this move by their family.

We didn't.

My response to the question was that we were beating the door down to get in here. I thought I noticed Katie blink. I think she suspected that I was joking, but she'd just met me....

Second, as the interview was ending, Katie said, sort of in passing, "You two are very independent."

And, we are. We sleep in our apartment and we cook our own meals in our very adequate kitchen. (Many people, I think, go to the dining room or the "café.") Other than that, our lives, for the moment, are off campus. Evie still works part time. I work full time. And, we have a life with friends and family off campus.

In that way, for now, we are unusual. When our health fades, of course, the home will be here for us.


We are, however, entering "last years of our lives" mode.

We bought a car yesterday which we expect to be our last car if things go normally.

Recently, I happened upon a list of the top 15 cars original owners keep for 15 years or more. One, incidentally, is the Honda Civic. And, we have a 2008, on its way to being ours for 15. It's a second car and will be until we give it up, or....

But, more than half of models on the list were Toyotas.

We shopped around on line for quite some time and, ultimately, tried to make a deal on the new Toyota Corolla Hybrid.

The hybrid part of the car is essentially what's in the Prius but the Corolla is much less expensive and is scaled down.

Reviews we've read say that it's frugal and basic and very unexciting. That, pretty much, is me in a nutshell. We should be a good match.

Though this is its first year, it's expected to be very reliable. After shopping around, the dealer 4 miles from us agreed to match the best price we were offered. So we signed the offer and put down a deposit.

The actual car is still in transit. We should  have it in a week or a week and a half.

There's a touch about this last car thing that's sad. But, I'm fine with the concept.

We are entering geezerdom. But, doing it our way. And, I'm content with that.

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