Saturday, November 14, 2020

Atlas Shrugged


It's been a looooooong time since I actually sent something that I've written. 

The emotional and spiritual aspect of the China Plague have taken their toll on me. We're tightly locked down in our retirement community, though Evie and I take as much liberty as any. Still, we're, by far, the youngest here and, I think, need to fly the coop.

I've written some things but, for whatever reason, haven't felt passionate enough about them to send them out.

So, here's a request for feedback on a nonchurch or Kingdom related issue. 

My local library has, in its audiobook collection, available online, Ayn Rand's classic Atlas Shrugged.

I became aware of the book when I was in college. For a brief time, I had an Economics minor. To this day, I love economics. I had a prof who was the token conservative on the Econ faculty. Incidentally, he was also a believer (in Jesus), but he was mesmerized by Ayn Rand. I doubt that there was a class session that he didn't bring up her name. So, I've been sort of fascinated by her since the mid 70s.

The book, as I said, is available to me in an audio format. It's more than 60 hours long. So far, the longest book I've ever tackled was 36 hours long. It was a good book, but the 36 hours was a challenge. 

I suspect that some of you may be familiar with Rand and, perhaps even have read this book. So, do any of you have a thought about whether or not I should tackle it. 

I checked it out the other day but I was so daunted that I returned it before I started it.

As always, on the blog or off will be fine.
